Rabu, 06 Februari 2008

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Selasa, 29 Januari 2008

Persamaan reaksi
Dalam ilmu kimia, persamaan reaksi atau persamaan kimia adalah penulisan simbolis dari sebuah reaksi kimia. Rumus kimia pereaksi ditulis di sebelah kiri persamaan dan rumus kimia produk dituliskan di sebelah kanan.[1]. Koefisien yang ditulis di sebelah kiri rumus kimia sebauh zat adalah koefisien stoikiometri, yang menggambarkan jumlah zat tersebut yang terlibat dalam reaksi relatif terhadap zat yang lain. Persamaan reaksi yang pertama kali dibuat oleh ahli iatrokimia Jean Beguin pada 1615.

Representasi grafis dari persamaan reaksi pembakaran metana
Dalam sebuah persamaan reaksi, pereaksi dan produk dihubungkan melalui simbol yang berbeda-beda. Simbol → digunakan untuk reaksi searah, ⇆ untuk reaksi dua arah, dan ⇌ untuk reaksi kesetimbangan. Misalnya, persamaan reaksi pembakaran metana (suatu gas pada gas alam) oleh oksigen dituliskan sebagai berikut
CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O
Seringkali pada suatu persamaan reaksi, wujud zat yang bereaksi dituliskan dalam singkatan di sebelah kanan rumus kimia zat tersebut. Huruf s melambangkan padatan, l melambangkan cairan, g melambangkan gas, dan aq melambangkan larutan dalam air. Misalnya, reaksi padatan kalium (K) dengan air (2H2O) menghasilkan larutan kalium hidroksida (KOH) dan gas hidrogen (H2), dituliskan sebagai berikut
2K (s) + 2H2O (l) → 2KOH (aq) + H2 (g)
Selain itu, di paling kanan dari sebuah persamaan reaksi kadang-kadang juga terdapat suatu besaran atau konstanta, misalnya perubahan entalpi atau konstanta kesetimbangan. Misalnya proses Haber (reaksi sintesis amonia) dengan perubahan entalpi (ΔH) dituliskan sebagai berikut
N2(g) + 3H2(g) → 2NH3(g) ΔH = -92.4 kJ/mol.
Suatu persamaan disebut setara jika jumlah suatu unsur pada sebelah kiri persamaan sama dengan jumlah unsur tersebut di sebelah kanan, dan dalam reaksi ionik, jumlah total muatan harus setara juga.
Jenis unsur-unsur sebelum dan sesudah reaksi selalu sama
Jumlah masing-masing atom sebelum dan sesudah reaksi selalu sama
Perbandingan koefisien reaksi menyatakan perbandingan mol (khusus yang berwujud gas perbandingan koefisien juga menyatakan perbandingan volume asalkan suhu den tekanannya sama)
Contoh: Tentukanlah koefisien reaksi dariHNO3 (aq) + H2S (g) ®NO (g) + S (s) + H2O (l)
Cara yang termudah untuk menentukan koefisien reaksinya adalah dengan memisalkan koefisiennya masing-masing a, b, c, d dan e sehingga:a HNO3 + b H2S ® c NO + d S + e H2O
Berdasarkan reaksi di atas maka
atom N : a = c (sebelum dan sesudah reaksi)atom O : 3a = c + e ® 3a = a + e ®e = 2aatom H : a + 2b = 2e = 2(2a) = 4a ®2b = 3a ® b = 3/2 aatom S : b = d = 3/2 aMaka agar terselesaikan kita ambil sembarang harga misalnya a = 2 berarti: b = d = 3, dan e = 4 sehingga persamaan reaksinya :2 HNO3 + 3 H2S ®2 NO + 3 S + 4 H2O
Penamaan unsur telah jauh sebelum adanya teori atom suatu zat, meski pada waktu itu belum diketahui mana yang merupakan unsur, dan mana yang merupakan senyawa. Ketika teori atom berkembang, nama-nama unsur yang telah digunakan pada masa lampau tetap dipakai. Misalnya, unsur "cuprum" dalam Bahasa Inggris dikenal dengan copper, dan dalam Bahasa Indonesia dikenal dengan istilah tembaga. Contoh lain, dalam Bahasa Jerman "Wasserstoff" berarti "hidrogen", dan "Sauerstoff" berarti "oksigen".
Nama resmi dari unsur kimia ditentukan oleh organisasi IUPAC. Menurut IUPAC, nama unsur tidak diawali dengan huruf kapital, kecuali berada di awal kalimat. Dalam paruh akhir abad ke-20, banyak laboratorium mampu menciptakan unsur baru yang memiliki tingkat peluruhan cukup tinggi untuk dijual atau disimpan. Nama-nama unsur baru ini ditetapkan pula oleh IUPAC, dan umumnya mengadopsi nama yang dipilih oleh penemu unsur tersebut. Hal ini dapat menimbulkan kontroversi grup riset mana yang asli menemukan unsur tersebut, dan penundaan penamaan unsur dalam waktu yang lama (lihat kontroversi penamaan unsur).
Lambang kimia
Sebelum kimia menjadi bidang ilmu, ahli alkemi telah menentukan simbol-simbol baik untuk logam maupun senyawa umum lainnya. Mereka menggunakan singkatan dalam diagram atau prosedur; dan tanpa konsep mengenai suatu atom bergabung untuk membentuk molekul. Dengan perkembangan teori zat, John Dalton memperkenalkan simbol-simbol yang lebih sederhana, didasarkan oleh lingkaran, yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan molekul.
Sistem yang saat ini digunakan diperkenalkan oleh Berzelius. Dalam sistem tipografi tersebut, simbol kimia yang digunakan adalah singkatan dari nama Latin (karena waktu itu Bahasa Latin merupakan bahasa sains); misalnya Fe adalah simbol untuk unsur ferrum (besi), Cu adalah simbol untuk unsur Cuprum (tembaga), Hg adalah simbol untuk unsur hydrargyrum (raksa), dan sebagainya.
Simbol kimia digunakan secara internasional, meski nama-nama unsur diterjemahkan antarbahasa. Huruf pertama simbol kimia ditulis dalam huruf kapital, sedangkan huruf selanjutnya (jika ada) ditulis dalam huruf kecil.
Simbol non-unsur
Non unsur, khususnya dalam kimia organik dan organometalik, seringkali menggunakan simbol yang terinspirasi oleh simbol-simbol unsur kimia. Berikut adalah contohnya:
Cy - sikloheksil; Ph - fenil; Bz - benzoil; Bn - benzil; Cp - Siklopentadiena; Pr - propil; Me - metil; Et - etil; Tf - triflat; Ts - tosil; Hb - hemoglobin.

Sabtu, 08 Desember 2007

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he smartest way to drive

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Make all your car journeys with City Car Club – the first and largest car club – and you really can’t lose.

Jumat, 07 Desember 2007

2007 Used Car Best Bets

Compact Sedan: 2001-2005 Hyundai Elantra

2005 Hyundai Elantra

A complete redesign in 2001 earned the Hyundai Elantra our respect, which was bolstered further by a tough tour of duty in our long-term fleet. In addition to peppy performance and a smooth ride, the Elantra offers solid build quality, reliability and operating economy. The GT version came in a useful hatchback body style that provided added cargo capacity in addition to standard leather seating, a moonroof and a sport-tuned suspension that improved the car's handling. Impressive crash test scores are another feather in the Elantra's cap.

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Midsize Sedan: 2000-2005 Toyota Camry

2005 Toyota Camry

Fine build quality, legendary reliability and a hushed ride characterize the Camry. Though the arch rival Honda Accord may offer a more sporting drive, we picked the Camry based on its more serene cabin and compliant ride, qualities that are typically more appreciated in a family midsize car than apex-strafing ability. The Camry was redesigned in 1997 and this generation lasted through the 2001 model year, meaning all of these years are equally strong picks. An all-new Camry bowed for 2002, offering even more refinement and better driving dynamics.

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Large Sedan: 2000-2005 Ford Crown Victoria/Mercury Grand Marquis

2005 Ford Crown Victoria

Ever wonder why police departments and taxi companies use these "old-tech" V8, rear-wheel-drive sedans? Because they're basically bullet-proof. Really, could a car have a tougher job than serving cab duty in New York City? Or cruiser duty in Los Angeles? Not only that, but these traditional American full-sizers are also very comfortable to ride in, have plenty of luggage capacity and are cheap to keep in light of their low maintenance requirements and commendable fuel efficiency (highway ratings are as high as 25 mpg). They also have very good crash test scores.

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Coupe: 2000-2005 BMW 3 Series

2005 BMW 3 Series

The BMW 3 Series embodies everything a coupe should be: sporty, stylish and with a level of practicality closer to that of a sedan than a dedicated sports car. Even if you go with the entry-level 323Ci (which has the smaller engine), there's still plenty of performance to be had from the smooth inline-6. Communicative steering coupled to an athletic chassis provides a very satisfying drive and validates why these cars remain highly popular with enthusiasts.

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Convertible: 2000-2005 Mazda Miata

2005 Mazda Miata

Anyone who wonders how car enthusiasts can be so passionate about driving need only take a spin in a Miata. With its ultraresponsive and communicative steering, an exuberant engine and a manual transmission with short, precise throws, Mazda's little two-seater wins over even those who don't know a camshaft from a half shaft. Nothing within the average Joe's means represents affordable all-around automotive athleticism better than a Miata. Factor in great reliability, frugal fuel usage and plenty of aftermarket accessories and it's easy to see why so many Miata owners love their car as much as (maybe even more than) their significant other.

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2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005

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Wagon: 2003-2005 Pontiac Vibe

2005 Pontiac Vibe

With more than a touch of style, impressive space-efficiency, compact dimensions and a smooth, reliable powertrain courtesy of Toyota, the Vibe makes for a very practical choice. Although it shares its mechanical components with the Toyota Matrix, the Vibe is arguably more attractive. In addition, it will likely be a better value, as chances are you can get this Pontiac for less money than a comparable Matrix due to the high resale prices the Toyota name commands.

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Compact SUV/Crossover: 2003-2005 Honda Element

2005 Honda Element

Tall and boxy, yet shorter than a Civic, the Honda Element offers a lot of room within its small footprint. Ideal for active people, the Element's four-passenger cabin allows easy stowage of mountain bikes and quick cleanup thanks to water-resistant seats and a urethane floor covering. Honda's strong reputation for reliability and longevity seals the deal.

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Midsize SUV/Crossover: 2004-2005 Mitsubishi Endeavor

2005 Mitsubishi Endeavor

After winning an Edmunds' comparison test, the Endeavor won us over again as a reliable and comfortable addition to our long-term fleet. Peppy performance, carlike ride and handling, solid build quality and good crash test scores make the Endeavor a fine choice for a family vehicle. Though some shoppers may bemoan the lack of a third-row seat option, there is no denying its value proposition for families of four or five, as the Endeavor is typically thousands less than the more popular picks in this category.

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2004 | 2005

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Large SUV/Crossover: 2000-2005 Chevrolet Tahoe

2005 Chevrolet Tahoe

Strong performance, a comfortable ride and attractive styling are a few of the Tahoe's assets. Others include a roomy cabin that can seat up to nine and fairly nimble handling for such a bulky vehicle. A Tahoe equipped with the torque-rich 5.3-liter V8 is a good choice for towing duty.

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2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005

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Minivan/Van: 2000-2005 Honda Odyssey

2005 Honda Odyssey

Before 1999, the Odyssey couldn't compete with the more powerful V6-powered minivans from Dodge and Toyota. A four-cylinder engine, no matter how refined, isn't going to cut it when the van is loaded up with seven passengers and their belongings. That all changed when Honda brought out the completely revamped Odyssey in 1999. Boasting the most powerful V6 in the segment, along with a huge interior, hide-away third-row seat, top safety scores and Honda's solid reputation for quality and reliability, the Odyssey quickly jumped to the head of the class. You'll probably have to lay out a few more greenbacks for one of these vans, even in the used market, but consider it money well spent.

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2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005

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Compact Truck: 2000-2005 Toyota Tacoma

2005 Toyota Tacoma

In addition to the well-known strengths of impressive overall quality and a rock-solid reliability record, the Tacoma offers a pickup for most any need or personality. There's even the PreRunner edition which offers the suspension, ride height and aggressive tires of a 4WD truck without the added complexity and fuel appetite. Whether you're looking for a sporty street truck, an aggressive off-roader or a crew-cab family truck, we're willing to bet that the Tacoma lineup has something with your name on it.

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2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005

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Large Truck: 2000-2005 Ford F-150

2005 Ford F-150

There must be a very good reason that the Ford F-150 has been the top-selling vehicle in America for the last two decades. We can think of many: a huge variety of cab styles and trim levels, a comfortable interior with sound ergonomics, a compliant ride, communicative and precise steering, smooth power plants and best-in-class brakes.


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Selasa, 04 Desember 2007

NEws hot atomotive

Resource for automobiles enthusiasts
09.11.06 (10:15 am)
Try this new site we found called CarsDBs - Automobiles. Its got a good collection of automobile related news and car related articles including categories like car maintenance, auto insurance and latest car reviews.br /
Its got a nice forum too that is categorised into specific brands of auto manufacturers like BMW Chevrolet Audi Volkswagon Honda etc.

Hybrid cars with Diesel as fuel in place of Gas
01.12.06 (12:09 pm) [edit]
Well the car is far from its launch and you might see this car in the market from Peugeot Citroen somewhere in 2010. This diesel based hybrid car will cut emissions and reduce the fuel consumption then the present diesel based cars.

The demonstration models namely Peugeot 307 and a Citroen C4 with hybrid diesel system will be launched on January 31. France President Jacques Chirac has called for development of such fuel-efficient cars within next 10 years. This will in a way reduce dependence on petroleum imports, which is even more important in the era of rising oil prices every other day. President also wanted the production of these cars in order to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.

PSA Chairman Jean-Marie Folz - PSA Chairman and Education Minister Gilles de Robien will release a research hub for the development of fuel cells at Carrieres-sous-Poissy, northwest of Paris on Monday.

Hybrid cars showcased by GM
01.12.06 (11:27 am) [edit]
[b]Detroit, Michigan: Detroit auto show (Jan 14 to Jan 22)[/b]
Foreign automakers are doing great business with their hybrid cars and their American counterparts are also not far behind in the endeavor. In recent months they are trying hard to make their mark in the hybrid car market. This has become more important in last 1 to 1.5 years due to the rising and fluctuating gas prices which have made people to look out for fuel-efficient cars.

GM will highlight 2 hybrid cars namely Chevrolet Tahoe 2 mode Hybrid and Saturn Vue Green Line at Detroit auto show. Saturn Vue Green Line hybrid car will be the first vehicle of its kind from GM, which will be powered by highly efficient hybrid system, which will be better in terms of price too. Saturn Vue Green Line hybrid will have a 20% improvement in its fuel economy depending on driving conditions. It will most likely be introduced in mid 2006 at the US market. This line of hybrid cars would be lowest priced hybrid SUV in the market with price expected to be around $23,000.

The electric motor/generator in Saturn Vue Green Line will meet with 2.4L VVT four-cylinder engine and 4T45-E 4-speed transmission power train.

Other hybrid vehicle from GM would be V-8-powered Chevrolet Tahoe Two-mode Hybrid, which would feature 2-mode hybrid system. It will have a 25% improvement in fuel economy once it is combined with Active Fuel Management displacement on demand technology. This car will be for sale in US somewhere in 2007.

BMW, GM and Daimler Chrysler are together developing 2-mode full hybrid system. This is a patented technology, which will have 2 modes for city and highway driving. One of the modes will be used at low speeds with light loads. The other mode will be used at highway speeds and will provide full engine power once condition demands for it.

2008 Nissan Skyline GT-R or 2008 Infiniti GT-R
12.13.05 (1:42 am) [edit]
2008 Nissan Skyline GT-R or 2008 Infiniti GT-R

Rumored price for 2008 Nissan Skyline is a whooping $70,000. Surely, I would be able to afford a second. 2008 Nissan Skyline would include V6 based on VQ35 with twin turbo which will have somewhere near to 450 horsepower as rumors say. The car is expected to come to US with an 2008 Infiniti GT-R badge.

The car as recently viewed has some variations with the pictures shown above from auto show. The rear bumper has a extended look which says that the production car will be longer then current Japanese market 2008 Nissan Skyline. All wheel drive is expected with seven-speed sequential gearbox. The production version is most likely to be shown in 2007 Tokyo Motor Show. Regardless of when this car will see the market, one thing is sure that this will be one of the fastest cars produced in Japan.

2008 Dodge Challenger
12.13.05 (1:10 am) [edit]
2008 Dodge Challenger

2008 Dodge Challenger resembles the 1970 Dodge Challenger R/T. The Challenger concept has a heritage design which is quite evident with its dual headlights and kicked-up shoulders. The car is built on shorthand version of the rear wheel drive LX platform used for the Charger sedan and Magnum wagon.

Initial rumors indicated that this car would be available in the market by 2009. The latest is that it will debut itself much before somewhere in 2008. First the car would be shown in auto shows and if there is enough good feedbacks then this concept will see the light of the market. The car is scheduled to debut at 2006 Detroit Auto Show, which is in January of 2006.

Engine that will come in Challenger concept is not known but one thing is for sure that there will definitely be a Hemi available. Supplier sources tell Inside Line that the 6.1-liter Hemi is being reserved for the high-performance SRT-8 edition of the 2008 Challenger; it's not clear whether the six-speed manual will make the cut for production. Somewhere I read that the 2008 Dodge Challenger concept will be powered by a 6.1-liter Hemi V8 mated to a six-speed manual gearbox with a pistol-grip shifter.

BMW 3 series convertible 2007, 2006 BMW 3 Series wagon
07.14.05 (9:30 am) [edit]
BMW 3 series convertible 2007, 2006 BMW 3 Series wagon
BMW is working on the additional models and variations of 3 series and on the other hand, its redesigned 3 series sedan is with the dealers. 2006 BMW 3 Series wagon is next on the line, which will arrive in the fall and will come as a 2006 model. The car will be introduced at Frankfurt auto show and will come to roads by November.

BMW will be replacing all its 3 series range models in a phased manner in next 2-3 years. In 2006 the 3 series coupe will be introduced somewhat towards later part of the year and BMW 3 series convertible 2007 in the spring. The 4.0 liter V8 powered M3 edition will make its debut in 2007 with 400 hp.

2006 Toyota Avalon, Toyota Avalon 2006, Future cars
04.28.05 (11:02 am) [edit]
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

2006 Toyota Avalon is coming with a redesigned model in 2006. The all new 2006 Toyota Avalon will be most likely to be powered by 3.5 ltr V6 engine with a expected power of 280 hp. The sweeping roofline as evident in the picture looks quite impressive and the car is coming with an extended wheelbase. It is quite evident that 2006 Toyota Avalon is also coming with a low profile wiper blade assembly and in-glass LED mirror turn signals.

2006 Toyota Avalon would have a V6 engine that could reach 0-60 mph in an impressive 6.6 sec. The safety features are also upgraded with front and rear side curtain airbags, seat mounted side airbags, anti lock brakes and stability control system.

Toyota Avalon 2006 will also have upgraded luxury amenities with extra rear legroom. The car will be for sure competing with the latest Lexus offerings.

2006 Z06, 2006 Covette Z06, Future cars
04.28.05 (10:15 am) [edit]
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

2006 Z06 was introduced at North American International Auto Show. 2006 Z06 is the most powerful Corvette ever built by Chevrolet and General Motors. With high end technology and great capability, 2006 Z06 is going to make its place in the market.

2006 Covette Z06 has 500 hp of power with 475 lb-ft of torque makes it most powerful passenger car by GM and Chevrolet. 427-cubic-inch engine 7.0 liter LS7 adds another feather in its hat.

2006 Covette Z06 features carbon fiber and composite body and sub floor pieces, which is astonishing compared to its bargain price of approximately $65,000. Its Aluminum chassis hosts world-class suspension and drive train, and features a magnesium engine cradle. The rear body is made in such a way to accommodate massive 19*12 inch Eagle F1 Super car tires.

The speed of 2006 Z06 is also quiet impressive with reaching a speed of 0-60 in 3 s. The Chevrolet Z06 has a new front facia with a larger grill for best of cooling, a cold-air scoop, and lower air spliter. The battery of the car is placed in the back of the car, which helps eliminate front end weight bias. The production of the car would start from second half of 2005.

2006 Mustang Cobra, 2006 Cobra
02.16.05 (10:34 am) [edit]
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

2006 Mustang Cobra is the most powerful mustang ever built by Ford. 2005 mustang cobra was very well received with its contemporary styling with a definite retro flair with an additional choice os 2 desirable engines. The model going to be launched is 2006 Mustang Shelby Cobra GT500. High sales of the previous version of mustang cobra clearly indicates that people are ready to wait and pay sticker price for the car then shift to other options. The high sales of mustang also show that there is a never-ending market for muscle cars in America. According to rumors, 2006 Mustang Cobra is coming with a very competitive price too.

Production version for GT500 will go on sale somewhere in 2006. 2006 Mustang Cobra has 5.4 ltr DOHC V-8 engine with 450 hp and 450 pounds-feet of torque with 6-speed manual transmission. The 5.4 ltr engine is not new but was first used in 2000 Mustang Cobra R, which ran from 0-60 mph in 4.7 seconds and 0-100 mph in 11 seconds and that too without a supercharger. In 2006 Mustang Cobra front and rear stabilizer bars are standard, and also a 19 inch alloys wrapped in 255/45 tires. For controlling the ride an independent MacPherson strut front suspension is being used and a multi-link live setup in the rear.

Interior for 2006 Cobra has black leather on dash' top, center arm rests, shift lever, shift boot, door panels and parking brake handle. There are SVT Red leather seating surfaces and door panel inserts with Ebony black leather bolsters and trim.

"The new Mustang has classic design cues from some of the best-looking Mustangs of all-time, including the Shelbys," said Keith Rogman, Mustang senior designer. "The design of the GT500 has been at the forefront of our minds since the outset of the entire Mustang program."

2006 Chevrolet Impala
01.24.05 (10:38 am) [edit]
2006 Chevrolet Impala

Chevrolet introduced its 2006 Chevrolet Impala at 2005 Los Angeles International Auto Show a new version of its Big Car. New sedans from Chrysler and Ford will be in direct competition for this car but with a improved engine, interior, host of great safety features and styling 2006 Chevrolet Impala would be able to take on with its competitors.

The engine for 2006 Chevrolet Impala will have 210 hp 3.5 liters V6 that would generate 220 lb ft of torque. A 240 hp 3.9 lt V6 that would generate 245 lb ft of torque is also available. 2006 Chevrolet Impala has latest Displacement on Demand technology operation. The technology is used to regulate the engine to jump between 8 and 4 cylinder operation, which in turn save fuel by 12%. The transmission for the car will be Hydra Matic 4 speed automatic with overdrive. The major feature for the car includes abs electronic traction control and tire pressure monitor control, remote vehicle starter system, independent suspensions and a large and spacious cargo capacity. 4 models for 2006 Chevrolet Impala are LS, LT, LTZ, SS. The LTZ model will have 3.9L V6 engine with variable valve timing and 211 horsepower 3.5L V6 engine for LS and LT models.

Standard features for distinct models are:

2006 Chevrolet Impala LS:
Driver Information Center.
CD player.
211-hp 3.5L V6 engine.

2006 Chevrolet Impala SS:
Displacement on Demand (DOD) for greater fuel economy.
All-new 303-hp 5.3L small block V8 with best-in-class horsepower and torque
18-inch aluminum wheels with W-speed-rated Performance tires.

2006 Chevrolet Impala LTZ:
Heated front Nuance leather seating surfaces.
3.9L V6 engine with variable valve timing.
Electronic Traction Control, ABS and Tire Pressure Monitor.
Innovative fl ip-and-fold-fl at rear seat for added versatility.
CD/MP3 player and Bose sound system.

2006 Chevrolet Impala LT:
Dual-zone temperature controls.
Compass and outside temperature display.
Remote vehicle starter system